Wealth Management and Financial Advisors
What is your time horizon?
Understand how time horizon impacts your saving and investing decisions. Learn the difference between short-term and long-term goals, and discover the best investment strategies based on your time frame to minimize risk and maximize returns.
Employee Benefits: Highly Compensated Employees and Executive Benefits
The following is a chapter from Employee Benefits: How to Make the Most of Your Stock, Insurance, Retirement, and Executive Benefits by Josh Mungavin CFP®, CRC® and Edited by Chris Boren & Tristan Whittingham. Highly Compensated Employees and Executive Benefits Deferred Compensation Plans Deferred compensation is a written agreement between an employer and employee in which…
Employee Benefits: Insurance
The following is a chapter from Employee Benefits: How to Make the Most of Your Stock, Insurance, Retirement, and Executive Benefits by Josh Mungavin CFP®, CRC® and Edited by Chris Boren & Tristan Whittingham. Insurance Health Insurance Options Health insurance options change every year, so it’s important to look over new healthcare options every year. Think…
Employee Benefits: Stock Benefits
The following is a chapter from Employee Benefits: How to Make the Most of Your Stock, Insurance, Retirement, and Executive Benefits by Josh Mungavin CFP®, CRC® and Edited by Chris Boren & Tristan Whittingham. Stock Benefits Employee Stock Purchase Plan Optimal Use: Strategies and Analysis Employee stock benefit plans are generally beneficial for one of two…