Reading List
HECM Reverse Mortgages: Now or Last Resort?
Explore the Standby Reverse Mortgage Strategy (SRM), combining the HECM Saver reverse mortgage with a two-bucket investment strategy to enhance retirement portfolio survival rates and improve the likelihood of meeting financial goals.
The Benefits of a Cash Reserve Strategy in Retirement Distribution Planning
Discover how two retirement strategies—reverse dollar cost averaging (RDCA) vs. cash flow reserve (CFR)—stack up in ensuring your retirement plan lasts. See how cash reserves and tax environments can boost your chances of steady income, with some surprising survival advantages!
Standby Reverse Mortgages: A Risk Management Tool for Retirement Distributions
Explore the Standby Reverse Mortgage Strategy (SRM), combining the HECM Saver reverse mortgage with a two-bucket investment strategy to enhance retirement portfolio survival rates and improve the likelihood of meeting financial goals.