A Baby Changes Everything – Part 2

Hopefully, you’re ahead of the game, reading this prior to your baby’s arrival, so you will be somewhat prepared for everything yet to come. However, I don’t think there is any way to be completely prepared for how life as you know it will be changing with the arrival of your new little love.

During the first 30 days following delivery, there are several things that will need to be taken care of to make sure that your bundle of joy has his or her identity (birth certificate, social security number, etc.) and there isn’t a lapse of health insurance coverage for your baby. Much like my last post, A Baby Changes Everything – Part 1, there is an image of the checklist below as well as a link to a printable version.

Click here for a printable version of the checklist.

Paperwork & Resources

From the moment your baby arrives, there are a number of things of which to keep track. At the hospital or birthing center, you will have quite a bit of paperwork to complete and instructions to follow. Be sure to write clearly and keep all the information in one place. Once you’re home you can go through it and determine what you need to keep and what you don’t.

Health Insurance

Your child will be covered by your health insurance for the first 30 days; however, once you receive your child’s social security number, you need to call or log in to your health insurance provider and add your child to your plan to make sure he or she is covered.

Update Estate Documents

Estate planning is a process, not a singular event; every time you update a beneficiary, you have updated your estate plan. Following any major life event (birth, death, marriage, etc.), it is a good idea to update beneficiary information on retirement accounts, life insurance policies, and estate documents. Be aware that minors cannot legally own property, and that a guardian would be appointed to manage any property they own on their behalf. A guardian can be appointed by either the parents in their estate documents (will or trusts) or by a court.

Even though there are several things to be taken care of in the month or so following the birth of your child, don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Many of us have been there and understand that it takes a village to raise a child. Enjoy those sweet baby moments; they pass all too quickly.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to me at 806-747-7995 or [email protected].


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