Congress moves to make changes to US retirement system – 3/1/16

Having made substantial changes to the US tax code at the end of 2017, Congress took a step closer to changing the US retirement system a few weeks ago. The House of Representatives passed the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act on May 23 by a large bipartisan margin of 417-3. The bill is expected to be taken up by the Senate later this year and would make some major changes to the US retirement system. What follows are some of the major provisions of the bill, which would be the most significant changes to the system since 2006.

  • Currently individuals are barred from contributing to their IRAs after age 70 1/2. The House bill would remove this limitation while also increasing the age when taxpayers are required to start taking taxable distributions from their IRAs from 70 ½ to 72.
  • The bill would make it easier for 401(k) plans to offer annuities by providing more liability protection to employers. This provision has been somewhat controversial, with some consumer advocates suggesting more protections for participants when negotiating annuity prices.
  • The bill would allow parents to withdraw up to $10,000 from 529 education-savings plans for repayment of student loans.
  • One of the biggest changes would affect people who inherit retirement accounts. The bill would require heirs to withdraw the money within a decade and pay any taxes due. The Senate version has a similar provision. Currently, beneficiaries can take much smaller taxable distributions over their own life spans.
  • The bill allows unrelated employers to create groups to offer a retirement plan. This is meant to encourage smaller firms to offer retirement plans.

Lawmakers say this could be only round one of legislation geared to increase retirement savings in the US, with more to come later in the year. Possible legislation may require companies of a certain size to offer retirement plans to their workers. The Senate is considering its own version of the House bill, called the Retirement Enhancement and Savings Act, or may just vote on the House version later this year. There is a real possibility a final bill could make its way to the president’s desk before year end. EKFF will continue to monitor the progress of the legislation and its impact on our clients.

Feel free to contact David Garcia with any questions by phone 305.448.8882 ext. 224 or



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