Tax Planning
Why Do I Need a Trust?
A simple will works for some people, but maybe not for you. Are you in a second marriage? Have minor children? Are you concerned about fraud? These are just a few of the many reasons to consider a trust. There are some simple estate planning techniques that you can use, such as adding beneficiaries to your retirement…
10 Easily Fixable But Often Overlooked Financial Planning Items
It’s easy to let important financial tasks slip your mind, so take a minute to check this list for any to-do items you may have forgotten. It could make a big difference in your bottom line. We go through our daily activities and oftentimes neglect to revisit financial aspects that can earn us some extra…
Do You Give Money To Charity Or Plan To In The Future? You Should Know What A DAF Is.
If you are looking to make charitable giving a part of your personal planning, understanding the role a DAF can play is a helpful place to start. A DONOR-ADVISED FUND, or DAF, is a giving account established at a public charity. It allows donors to make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax deduction, and then recommend…
My Loved One Passed Away. What Now? A Financial Advisor May Be A Valuable Resource.
When my dad passed away, a very dear client passed away shortly after. Both left their spouses to handle the finances, and although they left their affairs organized, extensive detective work was still necessary. Once the initial shock of losing someone subsides and the ceremonial procedures are over—what do you do now financially? After losing…
Thoughts on Transferring Wealth to the Next Generation
Lately, clients have been asking if we wouldn’t mind having a conversation with their kids about planning for future wealth transfer, as well as helping their children learn how to save and become financially independent. The decision as to whether to talk to your children and when is very personal, so there is no right…